Keren Cytter/Antonio Grulli - Tel Aviv - Jerusalem Diaries


Photographer: Keren Cytter, Antonio Grulli

Year: 2018
Title: Tel Aviv - Jerusalem Diaries
Place Published: Milan
Publisher: Humboldt Books
ISBN: 9788899385613

Pages: 96
Dimensions: 17x23 cm
Category: Monograph

Capa - Israel / The Realiy

Editor: Cornell Capa 
Photographers: Micha Bar-Am, Werner Braun, Cornell Capa, Robert Capa, Peter Fink, Leonard Freed, Burt Glinn, Charles Harbutt, Ericht Hartmann, Ken Heymann, Don McCullin, Arnold Newmann, David Seymour 
Year: 1969
Title: Israel / The Reality
Place Published: New York
Publisher: World Publishing Company
Pages: -
Dimensions:  cm 
Category: Monograph

Gabriele Basilico - Free Zone 2006

Photographer: Gabriele Basilico
Year: 2018
Title: Free Zone 2006
Place Published: Milan
Publisher: Humboldt Books
ISBN: 9788899385521
Pages: 100
Dimensions: 17x21 cm 
Category: Monograph


Bruno Fert - Les Absents


Photographer: Bruno Fert

Year: 2016
Title: Les Absents
Place Published: Marseille
Publisher: Le Bec en l'Air
ISBN: 9782367441016

Pages: 120
Dimensions: 24x22 cm
Category: Monography

Anne Collongues - L'heure Blanche


Photographer: Anne Collongues

Year: 2017
Title: L'heure Blanche
Place Published: Marseille
Publisher: Le bec en l'air
ISBN: 9782367441054 6

Pages: 64
Dimensions: 19x30 cm
Category: Monography

Nachum Gidal - Land of Promise

 Photographer: Nachum Gidal

Year: 1985
Title: Land of Promise
Place Published: Tel Aviv
Publisher: Steimatzky
ISBN: 9780912383149
Pages: -
Dimensions: -
Category: Monograph

Daniel Gonzalez Acuña - Christianos en Palestina


Photographer: Daniel Gonzalez Acuña

Year: 2012
Title: Christianos en Palestina
Place Published: Sevilla
Publisher: Secretariado de Publicaciones de la Universidad de Sevilla
ISBN: 9788447214082
Pages: 104
Dimensions: 22x24 cm
Category: Monograph

Esaias Baitel - Purim


Photographer: Esaias Baitel

Year: 1996
Title: Purim
Place Published: Wien
Publisher: Verlag Christian Brandstätter
ISBN: 9783854476582
Pages: 96
Dimensions: 28x21 cm
Category: Monograph

J Carrier - Elemantary Calculus


Photographer: J Carrier

Year: 2012
Title: Elemantary Calculus
Place Published: London
Publisher: Mack
ISBN: 9781907946233
Pages: -
Dimensions: 20,5x24,5 cm
Category: Monograph

Valentine Vermeil - Bab-El


Photographer: Valentine Vermeil

Year: 2017
Title: Bab-El
Place Published: Paris
Éditions Loco
ISBN: 9782919507498
Pages: 91
Dimensions: 28,5x24 cm
Category: Monograph