- Al-Hajj, Badr (2001): Khalil Raad - Jerusalem Photographer. In: Jerusalem Quarterly 11-12. S. 34 - 39.
- Amir, Mayan (2014): Extraterritorial Images. In: Architecture (Hrsg.): Forensis – The Architecture of Public Truth. Berlin, Sternberg Press, S. 720 - 740.
- Apel, Dora (2012): War culture and the contest of images. New Brunswick, New Jersey [u.a.], Rutgers Univ. Press.
- Awad, Nada (2015): Waiting for the Second Coming: The New Photographic Collection of the American Colony Archives. In: Jerusalem Quarterly 61. 101 - 111.
- Azaryahu, Maoz / Golan, Arnon (2012): Photography, Memory, and Ethnic Cleansing: The Fate of the Jewish Quarter of Jerusalem, 1948—John Phillips’ Pictorial Record. In: Israel Studies 17 (2). S. 62 - 76.
- Azoulay, Ariella (2015): Photographic Conditions: Looting, Archives, and the Figure of the “Infiltrator” in: Jerusalem Quarterly 61 In: Jerusalem Quarterly 61. S. 6 - 22.
- Azoulay, Ariella (2015): Archive. In: Downey (Hrsg.): Dissonant Archives. Contemporary Visual Culture and Contested Narratives in the Middle East. London, I.B. Tauris,
- Bair, Barbara (2010): The American Colony Photography Department: Western Consumption and "Insider" Commercial Photography, in: Jerusalem Quarterly 44 In: Jerusalem Quarterly 44. S. 28 - 38.
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- Ben-Choreen, T.-O. K. (2019): Emergence of Fine Art Photography in Israel in the 1970s to the 1990s Through Pedagogical and Social Links with the United States. in: Contemporary Review of the Middle East, 6(3–4), 252–265.
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- Bhandar, Brenna / Toscano, Alberto (2016): Representing Palestinian dispossession: land, property, and photography in the settler colony. In: Settler Colonial Studies S. 1 - 18.
- Bratchford, Gary (2014): Visualizing a Society on the Brink: Gaza and Hebron. In: Journal of Arab & Muslim Media Research Vol. 7, (2/3). S. 145 - 162.
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- Dixon, Robert (2014): Shooting in occupied space: Frank Hurley in the Middle East, 1940-46. In: History of Photography 38 (1). 40-55.
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- Downey, Anthony (2015): Dissonant archives contemporary visual culture and contested narratives in the Middle East. London [u.a.], Tauris.
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- Fahmy, Shahira / Rico, Neumann (2011): Shooting War Or Peace Photographs? An Examination of Newswires’ Coverage of the Conflict in Gaza (2008-2009), in: American Behavioral Scientist 56 (2). In: American Behavioral Scientist 56 (2). NP1 - NP26 (09).
- Faulkner, Simon (2012): The most photographed wall in the world. In: Photographies 5 (2). S. 223 - 242.
- Ginsburg, Ruthie (2009): Framing, Misframing, and Reframing - The Fiddler at Beit-Iba Checkpoint, in: Civil Organizations and Protest Movements in Israel, In: Marteu, Elisabeth (Hrsg.): Civil Organizations and Protest Movements in Israel.
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- Haikin, Naama (2006): Special Borders and Local Borders. A Photographic Discourse on Israeli Landscapes. In: Photography (Hrsg.),
- Hayik, R. (2018): Through their eyes: Israeli-Arab students speak up through participatory documentary photography projects, in: Language Teaching Research, 22(4), 458–477.
- Hazan, Noa (2010): The Racialisation of Jews in Israeli Documentary Photography, in: Journal of Intercultural Studies Vol. 31 (2). In: Journal of Intercultural Studies 31 (2). S. 161 - 182.
- Hochberg, Gil Z. (2015): Visual occupations violence and visibility in a conflict zone. Durham London, Duke University Press.
- Höller, Christian (2013): Walls, No Bridges: The Relation Between Revealing and Disguising in Ahlam Shibli’s Photographic Practice. In: Afterall.
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- Kabha, Mustafa/Raz Guy (Hrsg.) (2008): Memories of a Place: The Photographic History of Wadi 'Ara, 1903-2008.
- Kampf, Zohar (2006): Blood on Their Hands: The Story of a Photograph in the Israeli National Discourse. In: Semiotica 162 (1). S. 263 - 285.
- Katriel, Tamar (2011): Showing and telling photography exhibitions in Israeli discourses of dissent. In: Lehrer/Milton/Patterson (Hrsg.): Curating Difficult Knowledge New York, Palgrave.
- Keysar, H. (2019): A spatial testimony: The politics of do-it-yourself aerial photography in East Jerusalem, in: Environment and Planning D: Society and Space, 37(3), 523–541.
- Khalidi, Walid / Institute for Palestine Studies (Washington D.C.) (2010): Before their diaspora a photographic history of the Palestinians, 1876-1948. Washington, D.C, Institute for Palestine Studies.
- Koltermann, Felix (2010): Der Gaza-Krieg im Bild, BICC Occasional Paper VI. Bonn, Bonn International Center for Conversion.
- Koltermann, Felix (2015): Die Wiederentdeckung des Bekannten, in: Israel & Palästina 1/2015. In: Israel & Palästina 1/2015. S. 72 - 75.
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- Mendelson, Andrew L. / Smith, C. Zoe (2006): Vision of a new state: Israel as mythologized by Robert Capa. In: Journalism Studies 7 (2). S. 187 - 211.
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- Robson, Mark (2004): The Baby Bomber, In: Journal of Visual Culture Vol. 3 (1). S. 63 - 76.
- Rosen, Jochai (2007): The abused landscape: The works of young Israeli photographers, In: Afterimage 35 (1).
- Rosen, Jochai (2008): The Zionist Renaissance and the Development of Israeli Sports Photography, In: History of Photography 32 (1). S. 74 - 84.
- Rosen, Jochai (2010): The end of consensus - The crisis of the 1980s and the turning point in Israeli photography, In: Journals of Modern Jewish Studies. S. 327 - 347.
- Rosen, Jochai (2013): The P6 group and critical Landscape Photography in Israel, In: Journal of Israeli History Vol. 35 (1). S. 75 - 86.
- Sela, Rona (2005): Vom "goldenen Jerusalem" zum "brennenden Tel Aviv" . Von der zionistischen zur kritischen Fotografie. In: Le Vitte-Harten (Hrsg.): Die neuen Hebräer: 100 Jahre Kunst in Israel. Berlin, Nicolai, S. 458 - 464.
- Sela, Rona (2008): Utopian Visions of Zionist Landscape Photography in Israel 1898 - 1963, In: Zingeur/Amar (Hrsg.): Utopies - Mémoires et Imaginaire. Essen: Die Blaue Eule,
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- Shapira, Esther (2008): Mohammed Al Durah - Die Ikone der zweiten Intifada, In: Paul, Gerhard (Hrsg.): Das Jahrhundert der Bilder - 1949 bis heute. Göttingen, Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht,
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- Tenenboim-Weinblatt, Keren (2008): We will get through this together: Journalism, trauma and the Israeli disengagement from the Gaza Strip, In: Media, Culture & Society 30 (4). S. 495 - 513.
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- Wahl, Hugh (2014): Negotiating representation in Israel and Palestine, In: Visual Studies 29 (1). S. 1 - 11.
- Wigoder, Meir (2003): Blowing Up the Pose: The Politics of Photography Representation at a Standstill, In: Parallax Vol. 9 (1). S. 70 - 96.
- Wigoder, Meir (2004): Revisiting the Oslo Peace Process and the Intifada - A conversation with Eldad Rafaeli, an Israeli photojournalist, In: Journalism 5 (4). S. 500 - 518.
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Here you find an alphabetical bibliography with texts about photography in Israel/Palestine, mostly from academic journal. The list is constantly updated.
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